Hi lov good on u. I know how u feel because I grew up in a house with both parents that are jw and they are still trying to get me to go there . Like u I had to go when I was at a young age but somthing always told me this is wrong so when I was old enough I stop going. I’m 40 now and they com to my door still trying but I just tell them I not interested but they try. They leave me books very week I just put it in my bin. But I always tell my mum they are to pushy if people won’t to they will u don’t need to keep on pushing people and this thing with no bday no xmas u can meet up thing a guys on your own to have dinner without someone being there to watch u etc. But good on u for getting out and doing what u are doing. And u are doing a great job. from sandra p’s u are also beautiful .
Thank you for your message it means a lot when I know my message is getting out there. There are so many people in difficult situations trying to leave the religion / just left it / are thinking of leaving, that if my documentary film can help others then sharing my story is worth all the time in the world.
These are great. What camera did you use?
Hi Peter, the camera used was the Sony PMW-EX3 XDCAM. For some of the nightscape shots we used the Canon 5D.
Hi lov good on u. I know how u feel because I grew up in a house with both parents that are jw and they are still trying to get me to go there . Like u I had to go when I was at a young age but somthing always told me this is wrong so when I was old enough I stop going. I’m 40 now and they com to my door still trying but I just tell them I not interested but they try. They leave me books very week I just put it in my bin. But I always tell my mum they are to pushy if people won’t to they will u don’t need to keep on pushing people and this thing with no bday no xmas u can meet up thing a guys on your own to have dinner without someone being there to watch u etc. But good on u for getting out and doing what u are doing. And u are doing a great job.
from sandra p’s u are also beautiful .
Hi Sandra,
Thank you for your message it means a lot when I know my message is getting out there. There are so many people in difficult situations trying to leave the religion / just left it / are thinking of leaving, that if my documentary film can help others then sharing my story is worth all the time in the world.