Count Your Blessings!

This comes to mind when we have something that disrupts our normal life, I know that we can’t control our future, and must realise that everything in our lives is in a constant state of transition. It is important to learn to roll with the punches of life (go with the flow of life) and stay positive. By staying positive we will be better able to handle the low points in life, which will allow us to focus on the many blessings that surround us.

Trishy xxx285412_234598346571921_4062791_n

Early Detection is Best

4 - Version 2Late last night I found out a friend of mine has Breast Cancer and it came as quite a shock to me as she is a fit 32yr old gorgeous girl and has implants (yes don’t think you won’t get the disease because you have implants). She will be going in for surgery tomorrow to remove the breast. I’m just posting this as a warning to all females who think they won’t escape this nasty disease because they think they are too young or it’s not in their family so they wont get it!

Your wrong….anybody at any age can get it so please make sure you check yourself for any lumps or unusual feelings in your breast…. as earlier they find it the better chance you have of removing it and getting on with your life! My friend only found the lump 2 weeks before Xmas and because the cancer is in a few different spots in her breast the best way to get rid of it is to have a Mastectomy and then Chemotherapy.

Just a little heads up ladies! Breast Cancer is a fact of life and early detection does save lives! I’m living proof! Please don’t ignore any signs in your body see a Doctor if you need any questions answered! xx

Technology vs. Traditional


I think sometimes how different my kids are growing up in this Century where one touch of a button on the computer virtually gets you anything your heart desires and how different I was raised where the computer never existed in fact most things we take for granted today never existed! We were content with the simple things in life back then but it seems in this day and age contentment is hard to find! We are always striving for something bigger and better and get ourselves into more debt just so we can keep up with todays world and chase the dream that material things make us happy! When quite often they might give you a temporary feeling of contentment but never seem to be happy with what we have!

Its a tough old world at times and to be honest its a bit of a worry to know what will happen with the generations to come all i really want is to raise my children in a happy home where they are taught to treat people as they want to be treated and that we are all equal no matter what religion, race or sexual preference one might have. Learn to appreciate what we have and stop worrying about what we dont have and take time to enjoy the simple things in life……

See this is what happens when I cant sleep! My brain works overtime! Lol


I just don’t understand this. Parents raise their kids for years, & love them unconditionally…until their child says those two words to their parents…”I’m gay.”

Why does the notion of their child being gay scare parents so bad? It doesn’t mean that their child is any different than who they were the day before. In fact, it shows great strength for a child to come out to their parents. It also shows the desire for support & acceptance from their parents. So why do so many parents choose to turn their backs? It just breaks my heart whenever I hear this has happened to someone.

I have just been speaking to a friend who is just ‘coming out’ of being openly gay to his family and cant believe what they have put him through! They will not accept him being gay he has now left home and they want him to change his name and sign a declaration that he has left the family! They have used physical violence on him and even called a witch doctor to make him snap out of it…. they are basically disowning him because he has told them he is gay! I know many of my gay friends have not “come out” to their families for fear of rejection from them!

I just want to reiterate that I know that not “all” parents are un-accepting of their child’s sexual orientation when they come out. I really hope that the MAJORITY of parents will love & support their kids no matter what. I’m just referring to the ones who chose to disown their kids over something that their kids have no control over.

Disowning one’s own child over their sexual orientation is believing in hatred over love. Hatred may be unfounded and based on stereotypes or religious dogma, but when someone tells another that they will not be loved because of who they are, that love is conditional and is a decision based upon hate and not love.

I can relate to the disowning family bit (because of religious reasons) my family disowned me but why a family cant show unconditional love and love their child no matter what sexual orientation they are I don’t understand!

Trish’s Blog


Trishy Dishy Karr
18 October

What an amazing night! I must say a huge thank you to all who came to Witness my Journey.  What a huge turnout we had!  Thank you to those who travelled from interstate and thank you to all of you for making the effort to be there!  From the moment I stepped out of the Limo to when it finished I was truly overwhelmed by it all and just want to say a huge thank you to Steve Rogers my Producer/Director who did a fantastic job with the film because I’m no easy woman to deal with as you all know!  Lol…also a big thank you to my daughters Chloe and Jessie who were so honest on camera I love you both so much and to Johnny for putting up with me you deserve a medal!

You are one amazing beautiful soul and thank you for being you!  I hope you all enjoyed the film and so glad its finally out!  Here’s to the next chapter in my life, it can only be onwards and upwards for Trishy because thats the only way I know how!



Morning Everyone!  NO MORE SLEEPS!  Tonight is the night! I’m so overwhelmed and excited and a big mixed bag of emotions right now!!  We have around 700 Guests coming tonight and that is truly AMAZING! I’m honoured that they are all making the effort to come see this film that means so much to me!

In the last few days I’ve had several EX Jehovahs Witnesses contact me and show their support and wanted to basically tell me good on me for speaking out and telling all about the religion they grew up in and too afraid to say anything. Many still have families that are in the religion still that wont accept their way of life now and many are finding it difficult. My heart goes out to them because I feel their pain. Without saying anymore you will see in tonights film a little background into the beliefs of the JW’s and you will understand the hurt many have had to go through because of what this religion does to peoples minds.

I’m ready to open my door and walk you inside and show you Trishy from a different perspective you could call it a different world if you like and then I will show you why I created what I did in this world and why I want to inject just a little more love.

For all those haters and people who have judged me in the past I hope that you get a chance to see this film because it may just open your eyes a little and open your heart.

Trishy Dishy xx — feeling excited.


Funny how I can walk the Mardi Gras Parade and have thousands watching me yet for tomorrow I’m stressing cause I’m nervous as hell!  Mainly because I’m opening my door to the unknown but know in my heart this is going to help others be strong and learn from my sheer determination to succeed.  You must be strong and go for your dream never give up no matter what obstacles get in your way!  Just want to say to all of you a huge THANKYOU for supporting me if it wasnt for you guys I wouldnt be half the person I am today!  x x